Monitored Rehab Systems
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Monitored Rehab Systems —
Letters of Recommendation
Abdominal Crunch
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Tulane University • Belmont University
Physiotherapie Hans KochFysiotherapie
KineMedRehab Centre Sportmedisch Centrum Rotterdam
KennemerlandEschler Therapie Center

Imagine: you’re a sportsman and you get injured: the diagnosis is crushing: rupture ACL and the prospects are a long rehabilitation and inactivity – no sport!

Imagine: you are a vigorous sixty’er and while cycling you fall: the diagnosis is devastating: Hip Fracture and the prospects of a long rehabilitation and inactivity!

Imagine: you are a robust seventy’er but your knee-arthritis has become intolerable: the diagnosis is crushing: a knee prothese and the prospects of a long rehabilitation and inactivity.

Imagine: you are a physiotherapist and you have to treat these patients: the prospects of a long revalidation seems interesting: but what do you do? How do you rehabilitate them? Do you work efficiently? How do you keep the patients motivated? Do you see to it that boredom doesn’t set in?

After a long search, we finally found the answer to these questions at the company Monitored Rehab Systems in Haarlem (The Netherlands) namely The Functional Squat.

This exceptional apparatus combines all modern principals in the area of rehabilitation, supported by a soft-ware programme it allows you to visualize and monitor the patient’s progress.

It is a closed-chain circuit with consideration for the dynamic aspect, the isometric moment, the coordination, the proprioceptive and of course the strength.

For the patient it’s a pleasant exercise in a relaxed from with a competitive element.

The therapist can monitor and adjust the exercises at any stage in the rehabilitation process by consulting the database and trial programme.

This apparatus is an enrichment and must for every practice where on wants to work efficiently and up to date.

We are, in any case, enthusiastic users of this apparatus for more than a year now and are prepared to share our findings with everyone.

Feel free to contact us by phone or 3-mail. For kinemed.

Katrijn Beck Luc Van de Velde Ludwig Van Hecke

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